Bargoed Pharmacy Pharmacist Flu Jab

Flu Service

What is flu?

Flu is a highly contagious disease that is transmitted through the air and infects people of all ages. It can lead to serious illnesses, such as pneumonia and even death, particularly in the elderly, vulnerable and young. Symptoms can last up to several weeks and include high fever, cough, fatigue, chills, sweating, vomiting and dizziness.

Typical flu symptoms

  • a high temperature – 38-40C (100-104F)
  • sweating, feeling feverish/shivery
  • a headache
  • aching limbs and tiredness
  • a sore throat with a dry, chesty cough
  • loss of appetite

Typical cold symptoms

  • a runny nose and congestion
  • sneezing
  • a headache
  • a chesty cough
Most flu outbreaks usually happen in late autumn or winter, and, for most people, it’s an unpleasant but not a life-threatening condition. The flu vaccine is the most effective way of preventing flu and passing it on to family and friends. But there are some other simple steps you can take such as washing your hands and surfaces regularly, or using a tissue when you sneeze and cough.

NHS flu vaccination Service

We offer the free (NHS Wales funded) flu vaccination. Flu can be serious for those more at risk of developing complications and these people are entitled to a free NHS jab. These include the over 65s, pregnant women and those with certain medical conditions.

Private flu vaccination Service

If you’re not eligible for the free NHS flu jab we also offer a private Flu Vaccination Service. We charge £20 for our Private Flu Vaccination Service.

Please complete this form and bring it with you to the Pharmacy when attending for a Private Flu Vaccination Service Appointment – Click here to download form.

Click here to download the Private Flu Vaccination Service Patient Information Leaflet.


No vaccine is 100 percent effective, but being vaccinated is likely to give you effective protection against the strains of flu virus contained in the vaccination. This includes swine flu. Following the vaccination, it takes 14-21 days for protection to start.

Can the Flu Jab give me Flu?

The vaccine contains an inactive form of the virus which your immune system recognises and creates antibodies to fight against flu, but it cannot give you flu.  Private Flu Vaccination Form

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Bargoed Pharmacy
9 Cardiff Road,
CF81 8WZ,

Phone/ Fax Number: 01443 839983